
Showing posts from 2018

A Broken Hubcap and the Presence of God

A Flaw In One of God's Promises

Something A Zen Master Taught Me About Jesus

The Spirituality of Walking Your Dog: Blame Shifting

A Lost Child

3 Essential Coaching Questions for Pastors

Trying to Make Sense of Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh

A Powerful Lesson I Learned from John McCain's Memorial

Both My Kid's Schools Have Been On Lock Down Recently

March for our Lives Exposes Christian Idolatry

Imagining Stephen Hawking at the Pearly Gates

Frances McDormand, the Power of the Gospel and Inclusion Riders

The Truth About Billy Graham

4 Things Christians are Known for and How to Stop it

Happy VaLENTine's Day

A Paradox: Being a Good Pastor Requires that You Stop Caring

Don't Judge, Just Love

If your eye causes you to sin... oh, come on!