On latecomers and excuses

Okay, something you have to know about me is I'm punctual. And I like other people to be punctual. That makes it particularly hard for me to talk about from the pulpit. But I think it's important. Here's what happens in our church. A good percentage of the membership roles into worship between 5 and 10 minutes after the service is scheduled to begin. I'm talking about 50% to 60% of the church! This is a problem for all kinds of reasons, but the reason that is worthy of mention is because visitors do not come late. They come early. And they show up 5 or 10 minutes before worship starts and find an empty sanctuary with yours truly and another person or two. It kind of looks like we are desparate and pathetic. I can see their minds working, "Can I get out of here and go elsewhere without being too rude!?"

This past Sunday was even worse than normal. Someone actually called today to apologize for showing up so late. But she said, "I was stuck in traffic behind a group of elephants for 15 minutes!" :)

She was serious and from what I hear, not the only one. Elephants are supposed to be illegal in downtown Bangkok. Someone should tell the owners though, 'cause they are out every night. But apparently last Sunday morning there was a big group blocking one of the major downtown intersections (Asok at Rama IV for those who know BKK). I don't know whether they were protesting or what was going on, but it's hard to complain about people being tardy to church because there are Elephants blocking the road. Who can plan for that?

I'm looking forward to Easter. The people in our church are so cool (notwithstanding the tendency to be tardy). We've got great music coming. We've got an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids that's going to be great And I'm working on a preaching angle that I'm really excited about.

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