A day in the life

I'm now over 48 hours into my Coca Cola and Candy fast. Amazing! I don't have "all the extra energy" yet that people talk about. But I'm still on the wagon. It's going to be hard tomorrow. I keep telling myself that my goal is NOT to put Coke away forever, but to cut down and break the spell so that I can drink responsibly. But I have to confess... this afternoon I was tempted and I didn't indulge because I was afraid to break the streak.

I was thinking of how weird my life is sometimes. How did a guy from the southern part of the US end up in Thailand spending his morning with kids from Klong Toey Slum acting as translator between the Thai staff and foreign volunteers (and I don't speak Thai well)? How did I end up laughing hysterically with kids from the slum who have some of the most difficult lives I can imagine? How did I end up on a motorbike (I was never that interested in motorbikes) riding through the Slum like I was at home. How did I end up fighting through some of Bangkok's traffic to meet a friend from Kenya for lunch? And then at lunch, why did I have the privilege of being invited to perform his wedding! Amazing.

Actually I've been invited to perform two weddings in the last few days. Both will be for personal friends. It's such a privilege to be invited into people's lives like this.

How did an average guy from the southern part of the US end up like this? By the grace of God. I never, EVER would have dreamed any of this up myself.

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