Seeking proof versus looking at clues

I have recently read Tim Keller's book The Reason for God. Tim is heralded as some sort of Christian intellectual and has done fantastic ministry in the heart of New York City for many years. The book was a good read.

One of the highlights was a point he made in the middle. He told the story of the spiritual quest of one of his friends who was evaluating the "evidence" for God. This person wanted to believe in God. Read all the arguments and philosophy. But felt that God's existence just couldn't be proved. Keller suggested that he look at the evidence not for a "proof" of God's existence but to look at it (life and all the comes with it) as providing "clues".

That's helpful. The evidence of our world and lives don't prove anything about God, but they do provide clues. Although these clues are not conclusive, they do have a lot of force behind them.

If you struggle with believe in God because you just can't be convinced. Relax. Perhaps you've set the bar too high. Stop trying to prove to yourself that God exists or doesn't exist. Instead look at the arguments and evidences as clues. See how that changes your perspective.

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