Suffering to get healthier

I hesitate to write this because I don't know how serious I am yet. But right now I'm a little irritable. I'm experiencing withdrawal. I have not had a Coca Cola or any type of candy in over 24 hrs. I am not addicted to caffeine. I'm addicted to sugar. I've been getting a load of empty calories from Coca Cola and from candies for many years and I decided upon returning from a vacation in the US where I gained about 6 pounds in 3 weeks that it had to stop. My goal is to drop down to about 165 lbs. I am now at 180 lbs, but spent most of last year at 175. I suspect that if I can cut out Coke and Candy from my diet that will be enough to do it.

Changing things about our lives is hard work. I've asked God to take away the desire for Coke and candy. I asked God to make me fall in love with vegetables. So far it hasn't happened. But I'll keep praying.

I started by saying that I hesitated to write this because I don't know what tomorrow will bring. Will I go on a Coke binge. I haven't decided to give it up forever. In fact, my goal really is to only drink Coke between 10am and 2pm, thus substantially reducing my intake. The current fast happened largely by accident. But now it's almost 4 and I can feel it. Will I make it? Who knows, but it's worth trying.

Isn't that always the way it is with change? So many people are scared to try because they are afraid to fail. My encouragement to you is this... give it a shot. Whether it's diet and exercise. A regular time with God. Volunteering to serve others. A new business or job opportunity. Give it a go. Failure is just learning to succeed.

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