Prayer Diary and Requests

I'm a little slow on some of the best ways to use this blog. But it occurs to me that it would be a great place to share prayer requests (censored to protect individuals who have not given me permission to share their stuff).

So here goes.

Of course, I spend time confessing sin, thanking God for gifts of grace, fun and family. I pray for my family and my role as husband and dad. I also pray for many individuals in and around our church who are burdened (but I'm not going to share those details here! :))

Finally - I pray for specific things in our church. You could join me.

Right now I'm praying for...
(1) An increased interest in Adult Christian formation. What's the best way to deliver adult discipleship? Small groups of 10 or so people? Really small groups of 3 or 4 people? Traditional Sunday morning Sunday school? As part of the sermons? I don't think we have this nailed at ICB and I think we need to improve.

(2) More musical talent both on Sunday mornings (more singers for the choir) and Sunday evenings (more song leaders, guitarists, drummer, etc...). I also give thanks for the wonderful people who are involved now. These folks are talented and dedicated and it's great to see people really put their talents to use for the glory of God week in and week out.

(3) Children's Sunday school teachers. We are recruiting for the 08-09 school year (Sept - June). It's a challenge recruiting in the Intl Church context because so many people travel so much. But God is faithful. We had a great group of teachers last year. I'm sure we'll have another great group this year. But I worry about burn out.

I've got other things on my mind. But focus is a good thing and these are the big ones right now. I'd love it if folks joined me in prayer over this stuff.

Grace and peace.

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