Fasting from CocaCola and Candy

Some people asked how my coke fast went at the end of last week. I made it Monday noon to Friday noon with 1 CocaCola. My goal wasn't to completely go off the stuff. In fact I had one Wednesday night just to avoid feeling like I couldn't. Then I broke my fast on Friday noon and felt free to have as much as I wanted. I also indulged with a candy bar or two over the weekend. Then today (Monday) at noon I cut candies and coke out of my diet again. So we'll see if I'm able to sustain it again this week. That's my goal. We'll see how I do.

I probably shouldn't call this a fast since I'm not doing it for spiritual reasons and I don't want to cheapen the dedication of people who are really fasting, like my friend Jean who is trying to draw close to God to discern future job prospects.

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