God's Great Timing

It's almost 2am and I'm up finishing reading NT Wright's little book on what Christians ought to mean when we talk about Scripture's authority. The Last Word: Scripture and The Authority of God - Getting Beyond the Bible Wars. It's been a good read. I have a few pages left. I wish someone would take Wright's work and put it in a more accessible form though. He writes clearly, but it is very dense. The sentence structure is clouded and it's just hard to get through. You really have to concentrate. But once you work through it; he is really insightful.

Anyway - the reason for this post is something else. Earlier in the week I became aware of an acute financial need in our congregation. Today someone (quite at random, certainly without being asked) gave me enough money to cover that need and a few others. It's amazing how God provides like that. Just in time. In just the right way. It was a real encouragement. Thanks God.

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