Bangkok Protests Continue

The protests in Bangkok continue. We are told in the news that the airport areas are under a state of emergency. I understand that to mean the army can come in, clear the area, and not worry about images of HOW they do it being plastered on the news because the press is not allowed in the area. It's a temporary suspension of free press. Scary thought.

This photo is actually a bit old. But you can see the determination. The fear. The sadness of it all. These people aren't running from the tear gas. They are just covering up and gutting it out. How much longer? Are their goals just? What are their goals? What about the tactics?

I've been trying to pray about the situation. Except for all the friends who are stuck in Thailand (when they are supposed to be at meetings elsewhere) and all the friends who are stuck outside of Thailand (when they should have been home by now)... except for these things - the protests have not really impacted day to day life where I live.

My music leader for two of Sunday's worship services is stuck in India (not Mumbai). Another friend of ours who has two young kids was due to return Wednesday. So now his children go another few days without him home. Another friend was supposed to attend meeting in Indonesia about development issues to aid the rural poor. I'm sure these stories can be told over and over again.

How do you pray? Sometimes i find myself at a loss for where to begin. God feels a little distant. I just can't get into it. In those times I usually fall back on and begin with the Lord's prayer - meditating and eventually praying on each phrase or thought.

NT Wright summed up the meaning well,

"The prayer says: I want to be part of his (God's) kingdom-movement. I find myself drawn into his heaven-on-earth way of living. I want to be part of his bread-for-the-world agenda, for myself and for others. I need forgiveness for myself-from sin, from debt, from every weight around my neck-and I intend to live with forgiveness in my heart in my own dealings with others. And because I live in the real world where evil is still powerful, I need protecting and rescuing. And, in and through it all, I acknowledge and celebrate the Father's kingdom, power and glory."

What strikes me about this prayer right now is that it's all about how I want to live. It's asking God to help me live the way He wants me to live. So much of my prayers are for and about others. Things that have little to do with me. Little impact on me. I was taught prayer isn't all about me. I think the sentiment is right. It's not about me getting wealthy. Or about me having an easy life. But THIS prayer is about me. It's about me living a godly, Jesus filled, Spirit filled life for God.

I suppose the lesson for me today is... If I'm going to pray for peace in Thailand. If I'm going to ask God for that - then I ought to at least ask God to make me into a person of peace. A reconciling agent. Lord - I want to live on earth as it is in heaven.

How are you praying these days?

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