Neglect over time goes unnoticed and is hard to recover from

It's been a long time since I've written anything. I spent a week preparing for a trip to LA. I spent two weeks in LA. And I'm finishing up a week of recovery on getting back. That should explain my absence.

One thing I noticed while I was gone. There were times in LA when I just could not believe how disorganized things were. I remember sitting in LAX just dreaming about getting out so that I could get to airport systems that had modern technology and sensible rules (Taipei and Bangkok). LAX feels like a developing world airport in comparison. It feels weird to write that but it's true. Years of neglect have resulted in general decay. They are renovating as I write, but somehow I know it won't be as good as the asian Airports.

I think that's true spiritually as well. If we neglect God for too long it becomes hard to recover. The decay shows up all around us. And often we don't even notice. We are just used to the decay. I think that was true in LA. The airport workers and regular travelers didn't seem to notice how bad it was.

The lesson is that we must be vigilant to keep our spiritual lives in order. We have to make repairs immediately. Occasionally it would be good to overhaul the whole thing with a spiritual audit. The key is vigilance. A little laziness here and there ends up in total decay before we know it.

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