Christian Spirituality and NT Wright

I've been reading NT Wright's book "Simply Christian". I was turned onto it by reading and hearing a huge number of great reviews. He is one of the deep-thinking gurus leading the way for the younger evangelicals who are (hopefully) changing the face of evangelical Christianity. We are orthodox (meaning we are committed to traditional Christian beliefs like (for example) those outlined in the Apostle's Creed). But we are decidedly not dogmatic. We try not to be ideological. We try to have a global perspective on Christianity. We have a prejudice toward working for justice in our world as a way of serving Jesus and our neighbor and of putting flesh on all the talk about love and grace.

Anyway - NT Wright is one of the big hitters in this movement. He has been really influential. He's the Bishop of Durham, England and has written a ton of stuff. One is "Simply Christian". The reviews say it is a postmodern version of CS Lewis' "Basic Christianity". I've heard people say this is a great book to give to a new Christian or someone thinking about becoming a Christian as a kind of introduction to the basics.

I couldn't disagree more. The ideas are deep and helpful and wonderful. But it is a painful read. I've been reading it now for months. I can only digest a few pages at a time. I find myself often having to re-read paragraphs... not to process the depth, but to figure out what he is trying to say. Only AFTER figuring out what he is trying to say, do I get an opportunity to process the depth (and often the ideas are profound).

Here's my point... please write so that we can understand. If you can't, get an editor who can. The true test of genius is NOT being able to write so that only those with advanced degrees can comprehend you. The true test of genius is to be able to write about things of substance in a way that even a 5th Grader can understand. This book would be much better if Reader's Digest were to come in and do an edit. Some will say that's dumbing down. Some are wrong. :)

I'll leave you with one of the more easily understood thoughts from the section of the book on "Living by the Spirit". You'll see the depth. Wright writes, "Christian spirituality combines a sense of awe and majesty of God with a sense of his intimate presence." I will almost guarantee if you spend a few minutes meditating on that it will lead to productive thoughts and perhaps change the way you approach worship. One of the things I love about this faith of ours is that God often puts together things that can't be put together. And the resultant beauty is just overwhelming. A God you can be in awe of and friends with at the same time. Now translate that into how we worship. Wow!

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