The best and worst things about being a pastor

The two best things and two worst things about being a pastor. We'll start with the best things.

(1) I love to preach and teach. It's amazing to me that I get paid to study scripture, figure out what it meant to the original hearers. Then what it means today for me. Then what it might mean for others today. Then I get to spend a huge amount of time trying to figure out creative and clear ways to communicate this. Simply amazing. I love doing this.
(2) I love getting to know new people. And I get to spend my days sitting down with people and hearing their stories of faith. I get to talk with them about what God might be doing in their lives. And I get to encourage their love for Jesus and His kingdom. Awesome. I love it.

(1) I got an email today from a guy I would consider a friend. The gist of the email is "I have run out of money. I have 20 baht to my name (about 70 cents). I need you to give me 2000 baht. Since you are my pastor you should look after me." Of course, I'm not giving him any money. I've been clear about the fact I'm not going to do that all along in our relationship. I know that his email is wrong and manipulative. But even so - it's hard to turn someone down when they are that desperate. I hate this about being a pastor because you are the first stop for desperate people.
(2) This one will be harder to understand. I hate thinking I've become friends with someone only to discover that I am their pastor but NOT their friend. What I mean is that it's a one way relationship. Our relationship is completely at THEIR convenience. I think in small and medium-sized churches people have a tendency to take the friendship with their pastor for granted. I'm grateful for the friends in the congregation I do have. But there are a few folks I'd really like to be friends with, but I can't.

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