Coke Fast Update

I'm trying to give up Coca-Cola. I gave it up (cut back substantially) for a couple of weeks last year. Then got sick and fell into old habits.

I cut it down from about 42 glasses to 3 last week (Monday - Friday). I wasn't quite as disciplined this week. I probably drank 5 or 6 glasses this week (Monday - Friday). However, until Sunday night - I had maintained the discipline last weekend. And 5 or 6 glasses is way less than by normal 5 or 6 per day. I fell off the wagon Sunday night and Monday morning. I had an upset stomach and needed something to settle.

My less discipline this week was largely due to stress. I broke down on two mornings because I just needed something easy. My plan is to do better next week and to try to go Saturday without. I'll leave Sunday as an official cheat day. But I'll try to limit the cheat to one or two glasses at most.

How does this connect spiritually? It really is like fasting. You have to make the choice over and over again NOT to do something you are used to. It is hard. It reminds you how much a slave you are to habit and junk food. And how much you SHOULD be a slave to God instead. It also is a constant reminder to me that my body is a gift from God and should be treated that way. Gluttony is probably the biggest sin in our world among the middle and upper classes around the world.

Nough said.

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