Rob Bell in Bangkok

Not really. Rob Bell on DVD in Bangkok Saturday night 24 January. ICB will host a movie night to watch Rob Bell's Everything is Spiritual DVD. It's an amazing presentation of Genesis 1-3. It will change the way you view the first three chapters of the Bible. It will change the way you see your world. It WILL draw you closer to God.

There is that enough hype?

Seriously - this is a great opportunity to grow in faith while taking in the teaching ministry of one of the best young pastor/communicators in the world. Email me for details about what time and where we will meet to view the movie.

If you've read Velvet Elvis. Or Sex God. If you've seen one of the Nooma videos. Then you know what a great time this will be. (By the way - if you want to buy any of Rob Bell's books for videos - please do so through this blog. The Amazon Commission (5-10%) will go to support ICB outreach partners. See link in the upper right corner. We raised a little under $100 USD in December! Cool huh?

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