It's soooo cold

Jake (my five year old) went outside yesterday morning. Came back in and said, "It's like the airconditioning is on OUTSIDE." The temperature dropped down to about 18 degrees (66 F) yesterday. We're all shivering cold. I can remember when I thought 18 was a nice spring day. Not anymore, now it's the dead of winter. Amazing how our bodies and our minds adapt.

I think it works that way morally too. There are times when I am shocked by the things I find normal. I was driving in the car not too long ago with my son. A song (which shall remain nameless) came on the radio and I turned it up. It's a rockin' song. Jake started singing along. (I guess I've turned that song up before.) I was shocked when I heard obscene lyrics coming from the mouth of my son and was shamed into turning the radio off. Then I had to do all the explaining about the words we were just listening to. I'd just gotten so used to it. Got numb to it.

I wonder how God feels when we become numb to that which is obscene and accept it as just a normal part of everyday life. This happens a lot with sex.

Child pornography has just about gone mainstream in the magazine industry.
Poverty is just another begger at the foot of the BTS station.
I don't even pay attention to the war going on in Gaza anymore.

Just to name a few things I've become numb about that when I stop and think I know deep down these things break God's heart.

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