A Coke fast (redux)

I'm off coke. Sort of. And not THAT kind of coke. No - I've never done drugs. Not only have I never *inhaled* following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton, but I've never tried the stuff. Never come close. My drug of choice is sugar. And I get it primarily from two sources. Candies and coke. I would estimate that over the last year I've probably averaged about 6 glasses of Coke per day. At about 100 calories per glass. That's about 4200 calories per week. Last week I drank 3 glasses of Coke all week.

I went off coke for a few weeks last year. "Went off" meaning down from 6 or so per day to 3 or so per week. It was great. But then I got sick and relapsed. Coke really does settle my stomach.

I'm back on the wagon. I had a little relapse over the weekend. My stomach was upset on Sunday night and Monday morning. But it's Tuesday now. My goal? One coke till Friday.

Let's see. That's 4 days times 600 calories a day. 2400 calories. Minus 1 coke (100 calories). Looks like I have 2300 calories to play with. I wonder how many pieces of cake that is? :P

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