Bill Easum on Financial Stewardship

Bill Easum is a famous church consultant. He's a great writer and I agree with almost everything he says... even if I don't like it. He had an interesting post recently about financial stewardship... some of which I don't agree with. Let's take a look at a list of principles he provides.
  • Our standard of living should not determine our standard of giving; instead our standard of giving should determine our standard of living.
  • The New Testament model of stewardship of money is based not on what you give but on what you keep. 
  • Life is meant to be given away; horde it and you wither and die; pass it on and you blossom and flourish.
  • It’s not how much you give; it’s how much you have left after giving.
  • If giving isn’t giving you joy and bringing your fulfillment, don’t give.
  • God doesn’t need your money but you need to honor God’s claim on everything you are and have including your money.
  • We’re not fully devoted followers of Jesus until we learn to master our money.
  • Show me your checkbook and I’ll tell you who you are and who or what you worship.
  • You’re not giving to the church; you’re giving to God’s mission in the world.
  • Owe no more than you absolutely have to.
 I think there is some profound stuff here. However, I have to take issue with "If giving isn't giving you joy and bringing you fulfillment, don't give." And I have a few to add.

First - taking issue. This sounds like something Bill would say to get a response. I don't want to be re-active. But in my view, financial stewardship is not about feeling good or being fulfilled, it's about acknowledging that everything we have is a gift from God and treating it accordingly. If I didn't give when it wasn't bringing me joy, I would give a lot less. Why? Because I'm selfish. I'd rather have an iPad2 than withdraw 20,000 baht and put it in the offering plate over the next 6 weeks. I'd rather fly business class internationally than transfer 100,000 baht to the church late last year to tithe on investment income. But I know that God wants what's best for me. And I know that He wants me to be generous. And I know that He wants me to avoid being greedy. And I know that it's hard and I have some very sinful tendencies and cannot rely on what feels good.

Now for a very important addition.

If you are in "bad" debt (credit card or other high interest, non-investment type debt), get out of debt first than give generously. The reason? Financial giving is about stewardship. And the first act of good stewardship for those who are in bad debt... is to pay down that debt. Stewardship is NOT about raising funds for ministry. It does that, but it's not necessary for that. God could produce money out of trees to fund ministry if necessary.

Stewardship is fundamentally a matter of the heart. It is transforming us. Scripture says that our treasure will be where our heart is. We can USE our money to lead our hearts. Choose wisely.

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