A Spiritual Lesson from a Motorbike Taxi

At the end of my street is a motorcycle taxi rank. Usually there are 4-6 motorbike taxi drivers waiting to shuttle people around the neighborhood for a small fee. You pay them 10 baht (30 cents) and you get to your destination quicker and without all the water pouring off your body.

A few days ago when I approached, a little old lady beat me to the front of the line. This was discouraging because she moved gingerly with a walker. ^-^

I watched as she very slowly and carefully walked around the young man who was to serve as her taxi. It was like she was sizing him up. Safe? Or dangerous?

After a brief discussion, she very carefully walked around to the back of the bike and (with amazing grace) jumped on the back.

All the other taxi drivers were watching with amusement. Clearly this particular young man was paying some sort of Karmic debt. Why else would he get the old lady who could barely walk as a passenger.

The motorbike started to pull away. Painfully slowly. We were all watching to see if she'd fall off. 5 km/hr. 10 km/hr. No faster. They made their way toward the end of the street.

And then it happened. Out of nowhere, she raised her cane (the one that she'd been using for walking) whacked her young driver over the head (in a side miracle, he was actually wearing his helmet!), and she yelled, "reo, reo" (which means faster, faster).

The entire group of other taxis, all the food vendors and people out getting their breakfast, and various neighborhood riff raff (including me) burst into laughter. The lady was so fragile, but she had no idea.

After a few laughs, I think I heard the voice of God speak to me. What I heard was, "You know there are lots of times when you are impatient, begging and pleading with me to speed up. Have you ever considered the possibility that you are more fragile than you think? And that I might be going slow for your benefit, not mine?"

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