In Praise of Artists

The first thing the Bible says about God is that He is creative. At the end of the first chapter, it says we are made in God's image. Therefore, we are creative too. This sermon is in praise of artists and creatives. 2011 April 10 Sermon.

Lots of great stuff happened today at church.

(1) I was nervous about the choir only having four singers... but it was beautiful. I was surprised at how few people knew the tune for the last song. Oh well, you live and learn.
(2) Considering it's the weekend before Songkran, morning attendance was pretty good. But more importantly the mood in the auditorium was great, lively and fun.
(3) The evening crowd was big - even by non-holiday standards. And I really praise God for that. I think I needed a big crowd today. (Purely selfishly)
(4) Great to spend time with Rendell and Teresa Day... old friends from Malawi, now in Bangkok for a few more weeks.
(5) Made some new friend from Memphis serving in China. It was great to talk BBQ with people who know what you are talking about.
(6) It was an honor to have a US Marine worship with us tonight. First time that's happened in almost 7 years. He came a little over dressed (nice shirt with a tie). It'll be interesting to see if he liked it and adapts or if we were too informal for him.
(7) We are so blessed by an abundance of great musicians. Thank you God.

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