How God uses word-of-mouth

Here's the sermon link from Sunday. (Note: the mp3 will be up on the Intl Church Website in about a week. Sorry for the delay.)

I had a lot of fun Sunday. And God is/was and will be good. But I'm only going to share a few of things.

* It was Pentecost, so we shook things up a bit. We rearranged the chairs in the morning. It worked. It wasn't perfect, but it created a better sense of community. I'll share the "secret". We eliminated the middle row altogether.
* We used a different "birth" of the church. We went further back. Instead of using Acts 2, we used John 1. The calling of Jesus' first disciples. It's pretty interesting HOW Jesus did it. Consider his other options.
* Was blown away by a testimony I heard before Evening Worship. A lady was engaged to be married. The husband was exerting negative influence on her faith. He pushed and pushed and finally she asked, "Do I have to choose between getting married and being a Christian?" He basically said, "yes." And she said, "I choose God." Now, year's later, he is a faithful Christian too and they are happily married. Not surprisingly it didn't happen that way all at once. Sometimes I think we just have to take a stand. And sometimes I think our witness depends on the stands we choose to take.

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