The Secret to Influence

First of all - let's agree right now that as Christians we are called to be people of influence. Jesus told us just before he ascended to heaven to await the final resurrection, Matthew 28:19,
Go and make disciples (influence people) of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
So the call is plain.


Influence can be done well and it can be done poorly. Jesus called us to it and taught us to do it well.
  • He taught us to do it respectfully.
  • Straightforwardly
  • Honestly
  • Without Partiality
  • Graciously

These are more guiding principles than HOW-TO ADVICE. I'm no better than you are at this. I need the How-to Advice. And I found an article by a young business writer recently that I thought applies well to our Christian call.
 Jeff Goins wrote,
I could get in a lot of trouble for sharing this, ... It’s a secret that’s been held by the social elite for centuries. But it’s important ... It could be the answer to your book getting published or to your becoming a successful entrepreneur or finally landing that relationship that makes everything work.
So here goes: The secret to how I connect with really influential people is… I ask them.

...Let’s get something straight: I’m no one special. I’m short, non-athletic, and slightly smarter than the average bear. But that’s about it. I am not a charismatic leader or persuasive speaker. I do not possess any innate gifts for winning people over. I was a chubby misfit in high school who learned to play the guitar and avoided getting beat up (sometimes). I am far from what Malcolm Gladwell would call an “outlier.” I am unsure of myself and often struggle with commitment. Why do I share all that? Because if I can do this, you can do this.
[Once] I decided to email [a well-known] author — Seth Godin — and see what would happen. I asked him some advice.A day or so later, he responded. I was in awe. A year later, he emailed me, asking me to review his book Linchpin, offering to do an exclusive interview with me. 
Then I had a thought that changed everything: If Seth Godin, then who else?
What followed was a chain of events that included one audacious pursuit after another. I discovered that there were others, like Seth, who were making themselves available to “average Joes” like me. 
Jeff is writing about networking for business persons. I'm thinking about networking for Christ. But the principle is the same. Reaching out means taking a chance or two. ASKING people to share their thoughts and consider yours about spiritual things. ASKING people to make commitments and keep commitments to Christ. ASKING people to be involved in ministry and take responsibility.

You never get any of that without ASKING. The first secret of great influence is ASKING.

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