Excitement is building toward Sunday

Just a quick note... if you live in Bangkok and read this blog... DON'T MISS CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. I'm almost always excited about what's going to happen on Sundays, but this Sunday is shaping up to really be special. I'm preaching from Luke 15. Part of a four part series of sermons headed toward Easter. This first one is going to be mucho importante! :)

Luke 15, IMHO, is one of the most important passages in all of Scripture. It's the only time Jesus told three parables back to back. All three make the same point. Do you think he's trying to make a point!

The issue he's addressing is at the heart of what gets him nailed to the cross. By taking a stand and refusing to be a 'good little religious leader' Jesus sets in motion the things that led to his death. Come on Sunday and hear about it.

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