Tuesday is here and Sunday is coming!

It's 10am on Tuesday morning and i really should be working on my sermon. This is time I've set aside to TO WORK ON THE SERMON. So why I am writing on my blog? Sermon preparation is the MOST FRUSTRATING thing anybody could possibly do. It's great if you preach twice a year. It's murder if you preach most weekends. It's a creative process. I know the Scripture i'm using. I know what it's about. I even know some of the points I believe God is calling me to make. But how to make them? That's the question. I have no idea right now. So I'm killing time... precious time.

While I'm doing that I thought I'd give a shout out to our church leadership. ICB has this weird system of putting pastor's on limited term contracts. I've only been pastor here two and a half years, but we are in the process of renewing. So a committee had to be formed to solicit input and thoughts from the congregation as to whether a renewal was a good idea. From a pastor's point of view this has catastrophy written all over it. All you have to do is make one or two people mad and you've got a divided church. That could have easily happened here...

BUT... BUT...BUT (praise God) the three people who were elected to be the committee were BRILLIANT! And I'm not just saying that because it looks as though the contract will be renewed. This Sunday the congregation will be invited to affirm the recommendation of the Church Council. So this is just a word of thanks to the ICB Council and in particular the three members of the Contract Committee. You all did a great job!

In my short time at ICB I have been the beneficiary of wise people in key leadership positions. It's a pleasure to serve in that context.

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