Flip charts and other time wasters

There are times when being a guest in someone else's country can be frustrating. 99% of the time I feel completely at home in Thailand.

People offer to send me stuff from the States and (with the exception of English language theology books) I can never think of anything. HOWEVER, I have wasted a HUGE amount of time over the last two days trying to find a portable flip chart! I've seen pictures. I even took a picture with me to show sales associates. But apparently the idea that you would want one that is portable is a novel idea. I tried to get my secretary on the job. She came back with an offer from someone to custom make one. I realized - it's not a good idea to buy something custom made because then there will not be paper to fit it!

This is the kind of thing that happens when you live away from home. Things that would mean a simple 15 minute trip to Office Depot at home turn into a two day scavenger hunt. But then you have a choice to make. You can either let it get to you and get mad and frustrated and take it out on someone completely unrelated to the problem - or you can let it role off you. Smile and remind yourself what a beautiful world God has given us! Hint! Hint! It's always best to choose the later.

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