3 things on my mind

There are three things on my mind this morning. One disappointing, one that I think everyone needs to read and one that is simply fun.

(1) Let's get the bad stuff out of the way. Why do the American far right and left have to be so militant? Barak Obama invited Rick Warren to lead prayer at his inaugural. While I don't agree with Rick (or Barak) on everything, I thought the choice was brilliant and I thought it showed both political and spiritual maturity. AND YET - the American right and left are going for blood. The left is mad because they feel "disrespected". Well get over it. I know Warren is against gay marriage. And I know he's against abortion. But he's not a jerk about it like you are being. His position is nuanced and thoughtful. If you can't stand thoughtful people who disagree with you - then you shouldn't be in the conversation. This kind of militancy saddens me.

Then - just to make things worse - the Christian blogosphere is full of people denouncing Rick for accepting the invitation. One guy even used the "unequally yoked" passage. Unbelievable. And these guys wonder why people hate Christians.

Can't we just get along? Okay, rant finished.

(2) I read a blog post today that a ton of people should read. It's posted by Perry Noble a pastor from my hometown. Perry is one of the funniest bloggers I know. We don't always agree - but his heart is in the right place. And he has a great first name. :) And he is right on target with this post. If I were writing, the only thing I would change would be the end when he addresses church leaders. I would address it to all Christians. Here is the link. If you are a Christian - please read this.

(3) Finally - Today is Christmas Caroling on the River and I am very excited. Each year (for the last 3 years) our church rents a river boat and carols on the Chao Praya river. One year we caroled the Dragon Boat races! At any rate - it is one of the nicer, more joyful events of the year for me.

Remember - church tomorrow (see #2) and Christmas Eve @ 7pm on 24 December.

God bless.

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