Another "new" Prime Minister for Thailand

Yesterday (I think) we found ourselves with another new Prime Minister here in the land of smiles (Thailand). To be honest, it's tough to keep up we've had so many in recent months. The new one is...

...a young Democrat named Abhisit. I wish him well. And in invite you to pray for him. All indications are that he's a nice guy who wants what's best for the country. But the truth is you never know.

The irony is, of course, that his party has lost all recent elections by huge landslides. The people outside of Bangkok and a few other major urban areas overwhelmingly support the former Thai Rak Thai party.

Here they are rallying in Pattaya a few months ago in support of the now ousted government.

This is NOT a fringe movement. It is mainstream. If you believe the PAD they are naive. But fringe they are not. And they are a bit angry. It will be a miracle if there is not more and prolonged violence surrounding the Thai political situation. I just can't imagine a solution which both sides see as fair and just.

So pray for Thailand. Pray for peace in this wonderful country. Pray that as we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth... pray that He would be born anew in Thailand. And that His peace would reign in this kingdom.

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