A Muay Thai Christmas

Sorry about the low quality image. But it's a camera phone shot from a long distance. I just couldn't resist. Sometimes two images just don't seem to go together. Last night Laura and I went to MBK to do some shopping. There was a boxing ring set up at the entrance with a fight going on. Couldn't help but see irony in the Christmas decorations providing a backdrop. The Prince of Peace born into a world of violence.

(Nothing against Muay Thai, in fact, I want to learn it. But it is a pretty violent sport!)

It's easy to see inconsistencies like this in a culture that isn't your own. I wonder what someone from a different place would find incongruous if they visited my regular hangouts. Would they be shocked at the juxtaposition of materialism and Christmas at all the malls? Just a thought. The Jesus born poor and in a stable being celebrated in places too expensive and too exclusive for someone like Jesus to have ever been able to go.

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