Kicking a man when he's down

Anyone that knows me well knows that I was not a big fan of the Bush presidency. Despite that I'm saddened by this...

Today (or what it yesterday) Bush was giving a press conference in Iraq with the Iraqi PM. He was essentially acknowledging American withdrawal when an Iraqi reporter stood up. Called him a "dog" and threw his shoes at his head. I'm told that hitting someone with the sole of your shoes is the biggest insult available in Iraqi culture.

You can read about the incident and see a video here.

I get the anger. But it just feels like kicking a man when he's down and done. I just don't see how this is constructive. The Scripture we meditated on yesterday was from 1 Thessalonians 5. In verse 15 Paul writes, "Do not return evil for evil." Is that what's going on here? I think so. Perhaps that is why it just doesn't feel right.

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