Six Thoughts on Sunday Afternoon

I'm about 1 hour from our evening service. I'm hear in the Bangkok Christian Guest House collecting some thoughts. Here are some observations about the day so far...

(1) The students from Bangkok Institute of Theology did a GREAT job this morning. The 9am testimonial was awesome and vulnerable and inspiring. We had Thai dance to start the service. The testimony during the service was powerful.

(2) Our children's story person didn't show. Turned out she had an accident this morning. I noticed she wasn't there about 5 minutes before the children's story. Just enough time for God to give me a lesson... which I think EVERYBODY needed to hear.

(3) We've got great signups for Slumdog Millionaire on Saturday. I'm bummed I can't go. I've got babysitting duty. But it's filling up fast, so if you haven't signed up and want to see it as a group - you'd better.

(4) I hate it when people sign the "friendship register" and mark themselves as "regular attenders" and I've never heard the name before. That happened twice this morning.

(5) I was reminded of some folks who left the church shortly after my arrival at ICB on Saturday. They left without a word. I think it was mostly about style, but I really don't know. They had been active members for a number of years. Being reminded of them made me depressed. LISTEN UP. When pastors change it is normal for there to be turnover. If you need to leave a church that has less than 300 members, give the pastor a curtosy call. Leave with dignity. Call him or her and tell him/her that you are going to look around. Explain why (nicely). And then let the pastor know what you'll be telling other people. I was depressed about it because I got my feelings hurt. This was four years ago.

(6) The pole dancing class at my gym that used to meet right before our worship service has stopped for the last two weeks. Maybe they read my blog posting from a few weeks back.

That's all for now folks. I need to pray before evening church.

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