Thoughts from Sunday and a link to the sermon

It's Monday morning. I'm still feeling a little sick. Got a nagging cough and feeling a little fevery AGAIN. I really feel it when I hit the gym. Just didn't feel up to it yesterday, but went this morning and soaked myself in sweat without even working out that hard. On to the post. Here are some things that struck me yesterday....

First here's the sermon from 22 March.

(1) The highlight of the morning service was the Children's lesson. Malcolm did a great one. It involved tying one kids hands behind his back. Don't see that everyday in church.

(2) ICB is really blessed with some fabulous Children's story leaders. I'm mourning the loss of one of them who moved to America yesterday afternoon.

(3) We had an ironic chain of themes run though a section of the worship service. Malcolm's children's story was about setting oppressed people free from Isaiah 58. Then the choir sang a song that ended with an endless stream of "we won, we won". Then part of my sermon was about how some people become Christians and instead of becoming more humble because arrogant, self-righteous and triumphalistic. But the proper response to God's grace is gratitude. Then we sang a militaristic hymn about how God will give us victory. Is it just me or do those themes contradict each other? I couldn't do much about the choir's piece, but perhaps I should have paid closer attention to the last hymn.

(4) Enjoyed getting to know Amy and Rene better after church. Was dissapointed to hear they won't be in church for the next month. I wonder if companies/organizations/families that require you to be away that much on Sunday make it impossible to really be part of a church? Seems like being present is a big part of being church.

(5) I crashed after lunch for a couple of hours because I'm not fully well. Couldn't go to the gym.

(6) Fought traffic for 45 minutes to make it back the Guest House for evening worship. I did this without the benefit of any cool tunes because our CD player is in the shop AGAIN. 3rd time in 1 year. The shop is recommending we upgrade.

(7) Den and Chai and Beatrice did a great job of leading music with little preparation. It was a great time of worhsip for me.

(8) I don't know exactly what's happened over the last few weeks but the evening service has really taken on a young adult singles look. And seems to be dominated by Australians, South Africans and British. Don't know how that's happening, but it is. I'm grateful to see some community developing. Thanks to the work and prayers Angela's been putting in.

(9) The evening service is almost 1 year old. Looking back, it's been an amazing blessing from God.

(9) Returned home exhausted. Glad UNC played Saturday so I didn't have to wake up at 3am to catch the game this morning! :)

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