Sunday Reflections (on Monday) and Sermon Link

It's Monday morning and I'm in a great mood because UNC beat OU.

Here is the sermon I preached yesterday.

Here are some thoughts from Sunday.

(1) Friends rushed to get to church by 9am only to arrive and realize that it doesn't start until 10am. Sorry. That's what the website is for. Amy joined the choir and Andrew and I chatted - so it was worthwhile. Praying that Andrew gets the job he's interviewing for this week.

(2) We did have a guitar in our morning worship yesterday. Esra did a nice job, but he couldn't be heard very well because the mic was not close enough to his guitar. Next time we'll plug him in. Sang "Create in Me a Clean Heart" to close the service. Unfortunately we sang it a little wrong which made it hard.

(3) There was almost NO ONE present at 10am when we started the service. I think I see why many churches go for 1.5 hrs What they do is they program sort of a group singing for the first 30 while people arrive. By the time we hit the end of the worship service the crowd was up to normal size.

(4) Lots of people going out of town over the next few weeks with the Thai New Year. I wonder if they will flood churches in other cities around Asia. :)

(5) Had a great time getting to know Allie and Sasha over lunch.

(6) At the Christian Guest House for Evening Worship, the staff that sets up our worship space didn't help AT ALL. There is something wrong with that guy. I don't think he's incompetent, I think he's mean. Don't know why.

(7) We had a very "live" crowd. Not a big crowd, but a live one. I asked everyone to turn to their neighbor and share a prayer request. The next thing I knew - groups of two were praying all over the room. I did NOT ask anyone to pray. Sometimes the Spirit just goes where it wants. And it's beautiful.

(8) We did "Beloved" (at I think it's on the album 2nd Circle. And it was fabulous. Beatrice and Mark hit a home run. We also did "Create in me a clean heart" but we did it right.

(9) Enjoyed having dinner with Nick after the worship.

All in all a very wonderful day.

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