A cool thing happened at church on Sunday

A few months ago I had a conversation with a Sunday school teacher about a child whose parents were just dropping him off on Sundays. Many pastors know that this is something you generally try to avoid. Sunday school and church are NOT free babysitting. I've even known churches to actually make a rule that children unaccompanied by parents can't come. Thank God we didn't take that route!

Anyway - Rocky (age 11) accepted Christ Sunday. Now we are trying to schedule a baptism. I hope his parents will come for that. They may not understand much. Rocky says they don't speak much English. But I hope they come anyway.

The other cool thing. After talking to him for awhile I didn't see him for 10 minutes. I went looking for him and found him talking to the lady counting the offering. She said he'd just contributed 100 baht ($3). To me this is like the "widow's mite" offering and reminds me that every baht someone puts in the offering plate needs to be prayerfully spent 'cause someone is giving sacrificially.

God is so good!

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