Pumped up!

I am completely pumped up about a sermon series I've been working on! It's going to begin in February and go through mid-March. I think it's going to be the best six weeks of preaching of my life.

In John 10:10, Jesus says that "I came that they may have life, and have it to the full." Older translations call it "abundant life". Here's the rub. If that's why Jesus came, then why do so many of us "christians" not have abundant life? Why are Christians more often known for how we DON'T live than how we DO live? We sabatoge ourselves.

I know so many people in this city who think they've tried Jesus and he didn't work. They think they've tried Christianity and it didn't work. Do you know anyone like that? If so, this is the series for them. Abundant Life.
After starting with a sermon that takes a new spin on the golden rule...we'll look at the following issues. Failure to get these issues right messes up more lives. People hold back on these five things, life gets ugly and they think Jesus has failed them. Get these five things right and life is just so much more full. Here are the topics...
Forgiveness, Acceptance, Service, Encouragement and Submission.
See you in church.

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