A family of four

I should mention that this new blog has been a wonderful distraction over the last few days. It's been theraputic. On Wednesday, my wife gave birth to our baby daughter. Now our family is four. I debated whether to post this or not. How much privacy do I want? But I just can't contain the joy.

It was funny - she called on Wednesday while I was out at a lunch meeting. She was all calm. "Come home when you are finished. No rush." So I talked for another 5 minutes before catching a cab home. I got there and she was still pretty casual - although I could tell the contractions were pretty uncomfortable. With Bangkok traffic, I was advocating going on to the hospital. "We can sit in the lobby and read the free newspapers," I said.

For anyone who isn't as familiar with Bangkok - the top hospitals are truly amazing. They don't feel anything like a hospital in the US or Europe. They are much more like a nice hotel with brilliant medical care.

My wife resisted. "let's wait a little longer." Two minutes later - we were in the car on the way. Good thing to. By the time we got to the hospital (with no traffic problems - praise be to God), the contractions were painful. 15 mintues waiting on a delivery room. 15 minutes after that she was getting the epidural. And two and a half hours later we had a baby girl. Anna Malai.

God is good.

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