10 Things I've Noticed in Beijing

Once in a while you've got leave the one you love. Or the thing you love. I love my church. I love preaching. I love meeting new people and hearing about how they relate to God. But every once in a while you've just got to get away...to clear the cobwebs. To refresh. To get new ideas and new inspiration. So the family and I are in Beijing this week. First trip to China. Figured we'd hit the big dog first.

10 things I noticed...
(1) Huge military presence on the road into the Bangkok airport. Soldiers with guns never felt more calming! (I know it's not Beijing, but it was part of my trip.)
(2) When we landed in Beijing, everyone jumped up, grabbed the luggage and pressed for the door. The pilot came on and told us to go back to our seats for security reasons. Then three policemen came aboard. Walked past us toward the back of the plane quickly. They returned a minute later without anyone with them. Do you think they went looking for someone. When he wasn't in his seat they said, "Oh well, not here"?
(3) Ate "Deep Fried Hamburger" last night for the first time. Taste was good, but not sure it did any good for my waistline.
(4) Kids slept together in the same room last night for the first time without mom and dad. That's progress.
(5) Beijing is much more orderly than BKK. I haven't feared for my life in a Taxi yet.
(6) Culture is much more aggressive than Thai culture. This is good and bad. The good: when someone makes a stupid driving move. People honk to let them know it wasn't appreciated. That rarely happens in Thailand (thus more stupid driving moves). The bad: when someone makes a stupid driving move people honk for long periods of time even when there is nothing the driver can do.
(7) Felt like celebrities at the Forbidden City today. Lots of people wanting photos with my children. Perhaps we should set up a stall and charge 30 Yuan.
(8) Wide streets and not many people (or at least they aren't pressed in like in BKK). Went to the tourist site and found where all the people were.
(9) It's cold here. Temperatures down in the teens (probably hit 60 F). I prefer hot.
(10) Met Dan. He's a pastor of one of the Intl Churches here. It's weird to think of a church where you have to show your passport to prove you are a foreigner before entering.

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