Good Friday to Easter

We had an awesome Good Friday service last night. We did a meditation on the Stations of the Cross and it was very powerful. I haven't done a Good Friday worship since being at ICB. Largely because those involved in planning worship haven't been interested in it. We've done Maundy Thursday instead. Maundy Thursday celebrates the last meal Jesus had with his disciples. We did that this year too. It was great.


I was reminded recently of the origin of Easter Eggs. Actually there is great dispute. The word "Easter" actually comes from a German word 'Eostre'. Eostre was a springtime goddess and their was a spring feast in her honor. Some people complain. "Isn't it terrible that the holiest of days on the Christian calendar has this origin in a pagan feast."

I think it's great. One of the things Christianity has been good at over the years is using the symbols and feastivals of cultures it has come into to explain and spread the good news of God's great love in and through Jesus Christ. I think that's something we SHOULD do, not something to be ashamed of.

It got me thinking. This Easter in Thailand falls right at the beginning of Songkran, the Thai New Year. It's a big water festival. Pop culture has turned it into a water fight. The origins are more sacred. Pouring water over someone is supposed to be a blessing of them. Perhaps as Christians we can get into the act this year. Pour water over people to bless them in God's name. Pour water over people to cleanse them and give them a new start, new life. We're starting to get awfully close to Easter.

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