Sondhi's Assassination

Hope for peace in Thailand found in the Bible.

Sondhi Limthongkul's car was ambushed this morning. They found 50+ bullet shells from automatic gun fire around his car. Apparently his driver, bodyguard and Sondhi himself are either seriously injured or dead. I've read conflicting reports.

Sondhi was a (if not the) key leader behind the PAD protests in Thailand that culminated in December with the main BKK airport shut down and a change of government. At first glance it would seem obvious that this was redshirt retaliation for being stomped on by the military Sunday/Monday. But there are two other interesting rumors.

(1) Ahbisit's government is behind it. Sondhi has been increasingly critical of the Democrat party leadership.
(2) A group with in the Army or Police. The weapons used are standard Army issue. Perhaps killing Sondhi would take media attention off the redshirt protests.

I'm sure there is much more to the story than what I'm hearing. I'm not even in BKK at the moment. I'm in China. Whoever is behind it; this doesn't bode well for Thailand in terms of political stability for the near future. I suspect we might have a period of time where certain parts of the city are not safe to go on certain days. I hope not, but I suspect that's where we are headed. No telling what will happen in the provences.

As I read the news reports (and the tweets and blogs - which frankly are a whole lot more informative) I get a sense of sad resignation that Thailand will not come out of this crisis peacefully. That might be true.

In spite of this I have been gaining perspective and hope on a daily basis in my Bible reading.

My devotional life consists of staying with one Psalm all week. This week has been Psalm 46. The first few verses have been lifting my spirits each morning.

vs 1. God is our refugee and strength (i.e. political stability, tourism, etc... are not)
God is an everpresent help in trouble (right now in Thailand that is certainly needed)
vs 2. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the seas, vs 3. though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. (so political dissent and even violence should not (cannot) make us live in fear. Even if the earth gives way - we still have the solid rock of our God providing stability and strength.)
vs.4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God. (That's what I'm talking about. Just like Easter - the message is that there is a better day coming. There is hope for the future. Do not despair. Work (and work hard) for a better day.)

Just some thoughts on where things are headed.

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