The Advantage of Authenticity

From a Design Blog
There’s a phase we go through in our maturity as designers. At first we don’t have a lot of confidence in our process, so we hide while we work. We take feedback ...and say “Ok let me go away and work on that and I’ll get back to you.” ...

When we get more confident a new phase opens up. We believe more in our process and we know that things are never perfect. So we start showing work earlier... 
The point of the post is that the faster you can move to the more "open" design process the better because it allows for collaboration which inevitably improves whatever you are doing.

I think the same thing is true in matters of faith. Too often we try to hide our real selves until we think we've got it all together. But when we do so we forfeit the support and collaboration from the community. The other danger is that we come to believe that we are the mask we wear and condemn others whose masks aren't as beautiful as ours.

There would be great benefit to taking off the masks and opening up the process of how we are seeking to live out our faith... failures, works in progress and all.

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