Evangelism for the shy

I make a big effort to avoid evening and Saturday meetings. As a pastor that's hard. It's when others are free. But I want to be able to spend time with my wife and kids and that's when they are free too.

So I usually pause work from 4 till 7pm to watch Jake play Wii or shoot baskets in the driveway. I often will sit and joke with Anna while she is playing. But sometimes I just sit in the same room, reading or watching TV with them.

A friend of mine detailed his efforts. He wrote,
Last night I got to see my 16-year-old daughter head off to her first prom, and then be there when her friends gathered at the house after their dance. (I’m glad they chose our house.)

After she left, I sat in front of the television with my son and, together, we cheered for another Cleveland Indians victory. (They’re in first place!)

This morning, we’re heading to Cartersville to let our 6-year-old little girl participate in the Oak Leaf Church egg drop. (She’s very excited.)

This evening, we’ll all go to the soccer field to watch our 10-year-old play soccer. (She’s good.)
I think he's got it right. He doesn't have to coach their teams or always entertain them. He just has to be around. Ministry of presence whether it's with our kids, or our friends and neighbors goes a long way.

When Laura and I had our second child, Anna, here in Bangkok. I very well remember the people who showed up in the hospital to say "hello". None of them were that helpful. They didn't really DO anything. But they showed up.

People remember that when it's a big event in their lives. It's an easy way to be an evangelistic presence. Be present in a positive way.

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