How to listen to God's voice

Something God has taught me in the past and seems to have to teach me over and over again is the principle that – Life Is As Easy As Listening To God & Then Doing What He Says.

God does speak…I believe He speaks clearly, loudly and often.  If we are honest, most of us do not struggle with not knowing what to do…but rather with not doing what we already know.

Here are a few principles for listening to God.

I believe God’s Word and God’s Spirit work together; therefore, if your inner voice is telling you to do something contrary to Scripture, you can assume it's not God.

I believe that God wants us to know Him. His promise is that if we seek Him with all our hearts that we will find Him!  (See Jeremiah 29:13 and Jeremiah 33:3!) Therefore, if we are not finding Him, perhaps it's time to search our own heart. Are we really seeking? Or are we playing a game?

I also believe that many times when God speaks to us it will be a call away from convenience to something less comfortable. God's plans are often beyond what we can imagine and more than we can do on our own. But most of us like to be in control... hence the movement from convenience (being in control) to less comfortable (loosing control to God).

Comfortable is reading the same passages and books that have inspired you in the past. Uncomfortable is reading and learning something new.
Comfortable is singing the same songs you've always sung in the same ways. Uncomfortable is trying new songs or old songs in new ways.
Comfortable is spending time in the same parts of town you always do. Uncomfortable is spending the afternoon with slum children.
Comfortable is sitting quietly and letting people minister to you. Uncomfortable is asking, "how can I help?" And then jumping in to take initiative.

At the end of the day it’s not my job as a leader to take the easy path…I’ve been called to follow Jesus…and following Him is as easy as listening to His voice and doing what He says!

So…what’s He saying to you?  (See Hebrews 4:7)

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