If you are exhausted don't expect God to miraculously revive your energy

Here's a link to Sunday's sermon. The point of the title (which I said, but don't think is written in the sermon) is that God commands us to take care of ourselves through regular periods (sabbaths) of rest. When we refuse and think, "God will just intervene", I suspect God sits in heaven with his arms folded saying, "No. I told you to get some rest."

Maybe it doesn't work EXACTLY like that. But who knows.

Lots of fun stuff from Sunday.

* You know it's going to be a good Sunday when the first newcomer you meet is working with Interpol. I haven't even done anything and I was nervous! ^-^ Just kidding.
* We almost had to bring in extra chairs Sunday morning. Except for Easter, that need hasn't come up since 2006!
* Turns out that May Phanchet is a great Scripture reader. She should be asked again!
* Funny - the best sung song in morning worship was a contemporary number. The best sung song in the evening was a hymn. ^-^ It's like everyone forgot which service they were in. I was really moved by In Christ Alone. It was so beautiful in the evening. I would have liked to just keep singing it.
* Really celebrating Ann's healing. A verifiable (medically) walking talking miracle is Ann. And we are grateful. And on her birthday....
* Great to see Amy Dircks on Sunday. And especially great to hear how well things are going for her and Andrew in Hawthorne. I love how God is using them.
* Leah's story of the little girl with disabilities was very powerful. If you didn't hear it, you should have been there. Wow. God's grace is soooo necessary in our world.
* Yes, I really do think sometimes God says "No" because He's already told us how to deal with something... like get some rest. Eat well. Sleep enough. And exercise. What about that do we not understand? I know - you are the exception. :(
* Thanks to Jason in the morning and Tara in the evening for being good sports as volunteer victims. If you must know - I got that bit from Andy Stanley. So blame him. ^-^

That about wraps it up for now. Have a great week.

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