Life's Not Fair So Stop Giving Time to Everyone

I was reading an article by Tony Morgan recently and he was giving tips about church communications and his point was that churches need to stop being "fair" to every ministry.

What he means is that not everything a church is doing is as important as everything else. But you wouldn't know it from the way many churches communicate. Giving every communication equal weight doesn't help people distinguish what's most important and what's peripheral.

He cited the example of Apple and how their website highlights the most important items.
At Apple as an example, they have hundreds of products that they’re offering at any one time, but today (and every day) only one product will be featured on their home page. We would never do that in the church, because it wouldn’t be fair to the iMacs and the iPads and the iTunes and the nice people in support who are caring for all the people.
I think this is true on a personal level too. Do we give equal time to every problem whether it's a game-changer or a small annoyance? Do we give equal time to every person whether whoever they are?

I think we have to love people as they are. But for me, I prioritize my family. In my church I prioritize newcomers. I think as we grow, there will come a time when I'll have to prioritize leaders and arrange for others to prioritize newcomers.

That sometimes leaves the long-timers feeling left out. But it shouldn't. It doesn't mean I care any less. It just means that everyone can't get equal time. Some have greater needs than others.

What do you think?

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