How we've corrupted God's guidance for confession and what to do about it

Here's the sermon from Sunday.

I rushed out after church Sunday to the airport and I'm typing from the foodcourt in the Taipei Airport on the way to LA. But we did have a great Sunday. Here were some of the elements.

* Great Choir. It's always nice when you have 15 voices in a worship service of less than 200. 15 voices can make a really great sound. It is hard to believe that just about 12 months ago we were lucky to get more than 7 or 8 voices on a holiday weekend service. (I know technically this was not a holiday weekend, but Thursday was and it's Mother's Day. You figure it out.)

* Great kids event. Glad to see all the kiddos running around.

* Russ did a great first bat children's story.

* We had visitors who LIVE IN BANGKOK. That's always nice.

* Great Closing Song with super leadership. Thanks Sam and Charis. (And Mark, Marion and Yumi)

* Praying now for our evening worship. Should be in mid-sermon at this moment. God empower Tim.

* Some of the points I made in the morning message will be life transformative if you put them into practice. They will be hard to practice and it'll be scary but that's the way it is.

Key Point: Confession was never intended to only ease guilt, it IS intended by God to help us move toward right relationship with one another when we've messed up.

Grace and peace.

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