Lap Dancing Nuns And A Papal Reprimand

This story is insane. Pope Ousts "loose living" Monks.
a renowned monastery in Rome where monks staged concerts featuring a lap-dancer-turned-nun and opened a hotel with a 24-hour limousine service has been shut down by the pope.

As part of Benedict XVI's crackdown on "loose living" within the Catholic church, 20 or so Cistercian monks are now being evicted from the monastery at the basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, which hosts some of the church's holiest relics.

"An inquiry found evidence of liturgical and financial irregularities as well as lifestyles that were probably not in keeping with that of a monk," said Father Ciro Benedettini, a Vatican spokesman. "The church remains open but the monks are awaiting transfer."

But it got me to wondering... wonder what "sins" of mine or my congregation would catch the eye of a saint looking to oust sinners?

Would we be exposed as greedy? Self-seeking and self-serving? Creating an exclusive club where if you don't know the language you are welcome, but not welcomed?

It's easy to point out the sins of others... especially when loose sexual ethics are concerned. Perhaps even the Pope himself has some sins that could be exposed... coverup perhaps? I'm sure someone will say that the Catholic church is just being old-fashioned. I don't think so. I think expulsion might not be the right move, but certainly a change to responsible leadership would be welcome. Shouldn't the church be "for sinners" rather than against them?

How to be for "sinners" (which we all are) while not participating in, enabling or celebrating the sin... now that's the trick.

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