Are we making progress?

One of the things I do NOT miss about living in the USA is the home improvement trap. I am a recovering Home Depot/Lowes junkie. I used to watch the home improvement TV shows. This Old House and others. I'd get all inspired. I'd identify cool projects that I could do around the house. I'd get in the car and head off to buy the supplies.

In the store - you just felt like you were making progress. All these cool tools that would transform your house. And so you'd load up the cart. And just the process of shopping for the stuff makes you feel like you are making progress. The bathroom didn't get redone, but I made progress. The kitchen didn't get repainted, but I made progress. The fence didn't get mended, but I made progress.

Truth is I rarely made actual progress. I'd get home and realize. I'm tired. I'd do something else. I'd take a nap. I'd play with the dog. Watch a little TV. Actually doing the repair or maintenance work was much less fun than thinking about doing it. In the end I did very little.

The same thing can happen spiritually.
  • How many Bibles do you own? How often do you read them? 
  • Have you ever gone to church, found yourself inspired, but then done nothing? 
  • Have you been on a short term mission trip. Seen the world through different lenses. Vowed to bring the new perspective back. And then within weeks found yourself back to the old blinders.

These are all ways of tricking ourselves into thinking we are making progress. "Feeling" like we've changed, been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, when really we haven't. Transformation is often a hard, long process (as the Apostle Peter learned... over and over again). Don't give up. But also don't pretend that you are moving when you are not.

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