5 simple ways to help your church

I put these in our bulletin insert but I think they apply to any church anywhere so I thought I'd share 5 simple ways to help your church...

(1) Pray 2 Minutes A Day. If you took the challenge to pray for your church for 2 minutes a day during January. Thanks. It was great. Keep it up. Prayer changes things. Pray for our church.

(2) Come to Worship 10 Minutes Early. Many churches (including ours) have a bad habit of members and regulars coming late. It creates a bad impression for guests. Why? Visitors don’t know where they are going, so they often come early. What that means is they show up and there are very few people here. It creates a negative first impression. So come 10 minutes early. Sit down. Visit with friends. Read a book. But simply by being present, you’ll help welcome our visitors and create a better atmosphere!

(3) Invite a Friend to Join You at Church. The most common way people find a church home is through personal contacts. Next time someone complains to you about some problem they are having simply say, “Hey, I find it helps to connect with God. I’d be happy to meet you on Sunday and take you to my church. It’s really great!” If they don’t want to come, fine. Don’t pester them. Just invite people from time to time.

(4) Volunteer. Contact one of our local outreach partners and ask them if you could help them do something. Sing in the choir. Help with Sunday school. Signup to bring food for the Loaves and Fishes CafĂ©. Find some way to serve other people. You’ll be happier and it will help makes someone else’s life better.

(5) Say ‘Thank You”. Approach a choir member and say, “thanks.” They come a hour to an hour and a half early every Sunday to help lead singing. Tell a Loaves and Fishes Host(ess), “thanks.” A simple ‘thank you’ can really make someone else feel appreciated.

Any thoughts?

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