More people worshipping God. Period.

There is an interesting post on MMI about Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA, USA. Mark is a very successful pastor in a very difficult area. He's full of controversy though. I have to admit, I subscribed to their podcast. Listened a few times and then unsubscribed. I just didn't find it interesting.

But then I read this... This is Mark describing his philosophy of ministry...
Mark said his goal comes straight out of I Corinthians 9, “I have become all
things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this
for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.”
Mark said that his goal is to have ‘as many people worshiping Jesus as possible’.
Now that’s a simple, yet demanding goal.
Mark said that everything he does in ministry answers this question: Will what we are doing allow more people to worship Jesus? If so, they do it.

I have never been in a church that could say that because in order to live this - you'd have to make your current constituency unhappy most of the time. There is always a more popular music style. There is always a more popular speaking style (or speaker! :))

I like the idea, I just don't like it in such absolute language. It's challenging though.

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