Motorcyle Taxi provides spiritual insight

I meant to write about this last week. That's when it happened. I got on a motorcycle taxi the other day. For those of you who don't live in Thailand, motorcycle taxis are fast, convenient and cheap. I even took one to the hospital when my kidney stones hit in the middle of the night once - but that's another story!
The one I took last week had a problem... the motorcycle was broken. It didn't have anyplace to put your feet! Usually there is a plastic cover over the muffler/exhaust or two little bars come down to rest your feet on. This one had none!
That creates a problem because then you have to keep your feet up with your leg muscles. It doesn't sound like much, but try sitting in a chair with your feet on the floor. No problem, right? Now try raising your feet off the floor in mid-air. Do that for about 30 seconds and you'll see the problem. Very, very tiring.
Whenever something like this happens to me (an unexpected difficulty) I try to think about spiritual parallels. How many of us are exhausted by the spiritual journey we are on? Could it be because we are on the spiritual equivalent of a motorbike with no place to put your feet? What would that look like? Works righteousness?

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