Sunday reflections

As a pastor (I'm sure this is true for other people as well, but as a pastor) there are some Sundays when you walk away from church and it just seems like everything lined up and God's hand was just on the service. That's how it felt today! Today was just a blessing. It wasn't perfect, mind you. There were a few minor snafus - but God presence was strong.

We had a Sunday school class where we looked at what Scripture had to say about a homosexual lifestyle... and no one fought and no one condemned anybody else. It was lovely.

Then we had a worship service which worked from the beginning. These kinds of days - and some great ministry opps last week, make me happy to be a pastor.

I've been reading through some biographies of great preachers. The thing that strikes me is how many of them struggled with depression. I don't think I struggle with depression (perhaps I'm not a 'great' preacher :)) but I do know what it's like to have wild mood swings based on nothing more than what Sunday feels like. Most preachers know this is wrong. Our self-worth shouldn't tie so closely to how many people show up on Sunday - or how enthusiastic they are.

Next weekend is Chinese New Year and half my congregation will be away. I'll have to remind myself of what Feb 11 was like. Otherwise it will be depressing. I'll be praying that God surprise me. He does that often, you know?

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