Telling our stories

My home group is doing a series of studies at the end of Luke on 'being a witness'. It's been really great so far! This week we are talking about sharing our stories with others. It's not my strong suit - despite the fact that I'm a pastor. Sometimes I think it can be harder for a pastor. I'm so busy trying to destroy the stereotype of the pastor who pushes his/her faith on everyone and everything that I miss opportunities. Anybody relate to that?

Anyway - thank God for people like Bill Hybels who've written great books about this. Just Walk Across the Room is a masterpiece. Another great resource I'm using to lead Wednesday's study is Holy Conversation by Richard Peace.

He has some great ideas about 'telling our stories'. First some principles, then some questions to help you think. This is a combination of my own thoughts inspired from Peace's book.

(1) Our testimony is more than our conversion story. We can give testimony about anything God is doing/has done in our lives. Big and small things.
(2) Testimonies need to be authentic. Don’t ‘overclaim’. We are all works in progress.
(3) Relate your stories to what other people experience. I've had powerful experience when sick of feeling God's love and care which gave me peace of mind and helped cure anxiety particularly when I've had to deal with Kidney stones. Lots of people know what it feels like to be afraid and lonely in a hospital, right? Next time someone tells you about their experience, share yours.
(4) Pay attention to rule #3 but don't one up people. It's rude.
(5) Don't minimize other people's pain and don't pretend that because God healed your wart that God always heals warts or that God will heal theirs if they just have enough faith.

Questions... (these can help you start to develop some stories from your life)
*What answers to prayer do you remember most vividly?
*What are the most dramatic experiences of God you have had?
*How do you encounter God in nature? In music? In art?
*Ordinary story about grudgingly choosing good when you wanted to be selfish.
*When did God rescue you from your own foolishness?
*How has God changed you? Are you more generous? Openminded? Loving? Holy? Rooted? Strong? Forgiving? Patient? Joyful? (fruits of the spirit)?
*How has God been helpful to you in times of stress… sickness… depression… poverty… loneliness…etc? (These are great because people talk about their struggles with these things all the time. What better way to enter the conversation than, I struggle with that too. In fact, one time…and then I… and then God…)

Hope this helps someone out there.

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